
As an elite  2 footed skills coach.

I  became the first player/ coach to have 4 Guinness  world records Ariel ball control, in the 1978 / 79 / 80, Guinness world record books.

I became the first player / coach to have a hat trick of Guinness  world records for Aerial Ball Control in the Guinness world books.

I became the first player / coach to set the first ever 4 world records in the history of association  football ,for dribbling 2 footballs at the same time, one on each foot, using the inside and outside of both feet .

These records are married to every game of soccer, from the first minute to the last.  If you wish to try to beat my records , ( see certificate for details of times )

I am sending this challenge to the whole soccer world ,especially professional footballers, at present they are unbeaten for the last 2 years !!!

I became the first player / coach to dribble 2 footballs on 1 foot, changing 2 footballs to the other foot, all the time using the inside and outside of both feet.

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